Monday, September 30, 2013

Chapter 6: Modern Fantasy

Modern Fantasy is a relatively new genre to me. I knew what a fantasy was but it took the help of my textbook to understand the meaning of Modern Fantasy. It turns out I am actually a fan of this genre. A little over a year ago I discovered The Hunger Games, my first and my favorite modern fantasy. These book were highly recommended to me by a local principal. It took me a few short weeks to read the whole trilogy and I wish there were more!

Fantasy can be so attractive to children because of magic and mystery of what they know can never really be. These writers blend reality with the fantasy to pull at our emotions, dreams, and fears. Writers make these fantasies seem believable by providing vivid descriptions of the characters and settings. They also engage the reader with grounding plots that involve real human condition like humor, joy, pride, shame, and hope. The stories maintain consistency by following the rules of the fantasy world.

There are two different levels of modern fantasy, high fantasy, and low fantasy. In low fantasy the story takes place in the real would with only one element of fantasy, like animals talking. You can consider Chalet’s Webb and example of low fancy. The only part that could not take place is the human characteristics of the farm animals, similar to the Mouse and the Motorcycle. The other type, high fantasy, the book takes place in a while new world very different from what we know to be real. This is usually aimed to older readers in middle school or high. Books in this section include Lion Which in the Wardrobe, or the Lord of the rings collection.

When reading fantasy with children it is important to discuss the truths, use literacy devices, and use visualization. These strategies will further the reader’s comprehension of the text and improve their reading skills. Such strategies like visualization are prefect with fantasy text. Authors generally give great details in these books which are great starters for visualization.

Popular fantasy book for young readers can be found at:
Library Thing
Good Reads
Polk Library

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