Friday, September 13, 2013

Chapter 12 : Technology Integration

There is an overwhelming amount of technology available in the world today. So much of it can be used to behoove education and student comprehension. Some of the technology resources recommended for education include Bookmarks, Chat Room, Discussion Boards, Hyperlinks, Interactive Whiteboard, MP3, Podcast, Webcam, and even Blogs like this one.

One of the most benefited subjects is literature. There are now resources available like digital texts that are better for the environment and more cost efficient. There are also online-read alouds, interactive storybooks, and virtual meet the author. All can be used by teachers or parents to help extend the reading experience and excite the young readers. 

Top 5 Children’s Literature Websites:

My favorite online tool for the classroom is a WebQuest. Educators can design or barrow a WebQuest for any subject. WebQuests are like online lessons. For example after having a student read a story you might have them complete a Webquest that has links to different discussion boards about that book where the student would have to participate. You may also include links to additional reading material about the book or author. The student could complete the activity in school or at home all online. There are many WebQuests already available and they are also simple to make on the many free online templates. I made one for an introductory lesson to the civil war last summer. 

While all of these tools are extremely beneficial you have to keep in mind children’s safety on the web. Most schools have great blockers to prevent any problems but it is still a good idea to teach students about online safety before introducing them to different educational websites.  The American Library Association has a greatlist of safety and censorship resources.

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