Monday, November 11, 2013


I am working on my annotated bibliography, and Wonder has been one of my favorites to read. Wonder is about a boy named August Pullman who was born with a genetic defect that caused his face to be severely deformed. August (Auggie) was home schooled until 5th grade when his family enrolled him in a private school. It’s the start of middle school so all the students will be new, but Auggie will still stand out.  Making new friends is a challenge. Auggie must work to make people see beyond his appearance. 

I picked it for my annotated bibliography because Dr. Slick’s blog highly recommended Wonder. She wrote that is should be in every library. The main character has a terrible deformation and is challenged with a school setting and having to make friends. The book is narrated by August, his sister, and other classmates. In a story like this it will be beneficial for young reader to hear all sides of the story. 

I absolutely loved reading Wonder. I was even reading it at the same time as a 10 year old boy a babysit and he enjoyed it almost as much as I did. The way the author sets up the story it is so easy to get into and hard to put down. I found it especially interesting to read from Auggie's sister's point of view after reading the first fourth of the book from Auggie's. I also like seeing how the characters developed through the story. Lots of growth takes place during 5th grade and it was portrayed well. Most of all I loved how the different characters befriended Auggie. It took time but everyone found their place, even Julian. It really was a wonder. 

See book trailer on the right side bar. 

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